
Cheese...and lots of it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I just finished reading The Host, and I must say that I really, really liked it. It has, however, come to my attention that according to some, this type of genre is very cheesy and un-scholastic, which is probably not even a word. What can I say to that other than that I am a very cheesy! I like Little House on the Prairie, The Brady Bunch, nada coladas, getting caught in the rain, warm soft fuzzy animals (humans included) with big brown eyes and even though Precious Moments figurines kinda creep me out, I'm starting to like those too.

Furthermore, I am a geek. I like Star Trek (I have owned several costumes) and Star Wars, and in High School I learned how to read and speak Latin because I thought that was cool. And I don't know why I just outed myself like that.

That being said, I'm going to stop worrying so much about my book choices, because frankly, it keeps my mind from turning to mush and keeps me from conversatin' about alligator underwears with Dimples. And....I just got Twilight and I'll be reading it to my hearts content. See ya!


Carol said...

Nothing wrong with a heaping helping of extra sharp cheddar every once in a while! It ain't easy being cheesy!!

I can't get enough of it.

Tara said...

What is the Host about?? I LOVE the Twilight series!!! It is so good and cheesy.

How do you solve a problem like Malia? said...

Oh...The Host is very good. It's a newer Stephanie Meyer book, but aimed more at the adult reader. It's kind of like the body snatchers a very creepy and interesting read

Jen Gallacher said...

Hey, Siufanua's!!

How fun to see you pop on my blog, Malia!! How are you guys? Email me, and I'll send you Tomi and my address. :)

Ben and Lori said...

Hey, I'm just about to start reading that book.

k2 said...

Cheezy is good. Star Trek trivia: and I just learned about a guy who went to a Star Treck convention and showed Leonard Nemoy that he could "Spock sign" and Nemoy flashed back both hands with the peace sign and said "yes but can you do this"? Oh and I thought I was doing good.