

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is a quick blurb for my YARDSALEMONKEY site. If you're short on cash, you can check out what I did to get 2-$500 Visa cards. You can click HERE or click on the link on the side to re-direct.

I don't have much to report or say (surprise, surprise). But I'll just ramble a little bit. Lots of big things going on this week. Kai was fabulous on AI. Definitely not a ship singer.

Then, free donuts at Krispy Kreme on Inauguration Day. Except, they were not free at the Orem location. I'm guessing that the poor guy running the store was still bent-out-of shape about losing the elections and decided to stick it to everyone by not offering us free, heavenly, calorie laden, donuts of joy. Now listen, if you're familiar with my political persuasion, you know that I voted for the other white meat, but even I think it's pretty heartless to deny artery clogging treats to the masses. Boo to you Krispy Kreme man!

Oh, and I love Spam Musabi and people. I know many of you are grossing out right now because the thought of Spam is repulsive, even hearing the name may be repulsive. But just wait, I'm going to gross you out even more. I was recently told that Fijieans of old, preferred Spam because it reminded them of human flesh. Oooh this is good. I've always been a people-person and now I know why. I just loooove people. And Spam.


Kendra said...

Malia, you are a little weird! HA HA!
I can't believe that you didn't get your free donuts! What a pooper!

How do you solve a problem like Malia? said...

I agree that I am totally weird. I was feeling really macabre the day I wrote that. Hee Hee.

k2 said...

Great job Malia. You are an inspiration. Thanks for the research and steady work so we can do it too. A $1,000 goodies and cash. I love that these things really work.

k2 said...

It's a good thing you led out with the Visa cards. I was so excieted I didn't get to the spam and people. Oddly funny stuff. Does that mean if we think it's funny that we are oddly funny people?