So, I've been MIA on the blog and decided to post a recap of the past couple of weeks. Here goes:
1. It's back to school and soccer time. Lots of going here and there. Lots of learning new things and discoveries. Speaking of discovering, Squeaky has discovered that poop does not, in fact, taste good.
2. We took the little monsters to Kung Fu Panda last night and we were exposed to awesomeness -and- attractiveness, but it wasn't free like Po said; it cost a paltry $10.
3. Watched some of the Olympics and discovered quite a disparity among the athletes. While the Olympic Ping Pong team has quite a bit of hussle going down, I'm sorry to say that their skills are not as SUPER FABULOUS as the skills of the Gymnasts. They need to have like, SUPER GOLD medals for athletes with all the extras.
4. Also, speaking of the Olympic commentators, they need to remember who their main audience is and stop bagging on the athletes when they mess up. Seriously, we watched this Romanian gymnast doing a routine on a balance beam, and although she did "biff it" pretty bad, to her credit she had the wits about her to get up and finish the rest of it and it was fantastic. I think the commentators need to realize that most of us couldn't walk across the beam without falling off and getting a concussion, let alone flip backwards several times, and they need to ease up a little bit.
5. No more speedos. Yuck.
6. Had lots and lots of belly laughs when the scoring was all messed up with the gymnasts and Bela Karoyli exclaimed over and over again, "Isa ripoff! Isa ripoff!".
7. I secretly want to be Sarah Palin when I grow up.
8. It is not funny when you discover that you've worn your shirt inside-out, in public, all day long.
9. Finished the Twilight series during soccer games/practices/etc., etc. and liked the vampire storyline (you know I'm a StarWars, StarTrek, LOTR geek & am obsessed with superpowers), but could do without all the mushy stuff.
10. Lastly, the voting for our crazy house ends this SUNDAY, and if you still want to vote or want to bug anyone else to vote, we would greatly appreciate it! Cross your fingers everyone!
excuse me for the blogging break + a recap of recent seeifiknewya events
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 7:55 AM 7 comments
back to school blues
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I started out this week thinking that I would be so happy to send the crazies off to school. Turns out that I miss the little buggers and I'm the one singing the blues. Here's a school memory from the past to start off the week.
Responsible Child has been followed since Kindergarten by two of the most adorable, squeaky little twin girls; Charice and Chantilly. When I'd go through Responsible Child's backpack everyday, I would find it secretly stuffed with love notes and pictures from Charice. The pictures had hearts and stick figures drawn holding hands. For Responsible's birthday he even got a handpainted mural from the girls. I think Responsible didn't really understand it all, and I don't really think he cared. We'll, I think he cared a little. As part of my past PTA duties I hosted an ice cream party for his class and as usual Random and Dimples came along. The kids were dancing to salsa music, eating and having fun. Random was turning on the charm and I found him holding hands and dancing in circles with Charice. And then he was dancing with Chantilly. And I noticed, that for the first time, Responsible noticed too. He looked kind of stunned. I hope it's not the same way when they're older...
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 9:32 AM 2 comments
Free the leash kids
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I have an account on Facebook and I came across a many groups advocating "Freeing Kids From Child Leashes". They're all about letting the kids run willy nilly and any where they desire. While I'm all for that, the leashes, believe it or not do serve a very useful purpose. I think I'd be willing to take Squeaky off the leash, if, they would be willing to come to my house and run after her as she bolts to the busy 45 mph street, in 95 degree weather all day long. I added one of their buttons to my Flair board as a joke, cause I just don't care. I think I'm going to create a group too, I'm going to call it, "I Only Put A Leash On My Child When We're Near The Street, Or Around Lots Of People So She Won't Be Kidnapped/Molested Or Flattened By A Car, Or When You're At The Library So She Won't Jump In An Elevator And Take Off Without You, Or When You're So Pregnant That You Can Barely Walk And Your Kids Seem To Know It And Take Advantage Of That Fact, So There You People With Groups Against Leashes Who Have No Kids And Don't Know What You're Talking About". Do you think that title is too long?
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 10:36 AM 7 comments
sooooo sad... wah for me... pity party.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I saw this on another person's blog and thought it was funny:
Oh, this was a good post! Lots of comments! People like me!
Oops, what happened? Nobody commented today. What did I do wrong?
Oh, goody! Some more comments on this one!
Look. Some new people commenting! I wonder who they are? I'll go check out their blog, too!
Oh, no. Where did everybody go? Nobody likes me. This stinks.
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 2:43 PM 4 comments
llamas and bosoms and sculptures, OH MY!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
We took a little trip last week to the Hare Krishna temple during the SeeIfIKnewya's reunion. The kids were very excited to go because they were going to pet some llamas (since they'd just watched Jimmy Neutron the night before). We also had a nice tour of the temple and the YIC (yogi in charge) sang some songs and taught the kids some chants. I liked the singing (even though I heard many snickers) and thought that finding out a little more about their culture was very interesting. As we were leaving, Random Child turns to me and says, "Why are there pictures of boobs?". Say what? And lo and behold as I survey the room there are indeed lots and lots of bare bosoms and as a bonus a there was also a nice sculpture. Now that, I say, is very interesting. After, I felt very relieved that Random chose to question me alone about the pictures instead of shouting it out loud or asking the Yogi personally, because usually, Random is completely without guile in this type of situation. Although relieved, I do admit that I would've liked some explanation for the peep show.
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 7:18 AM 1 comments
food storage anyone?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm teaching a class this Thursday at 7:00 in the Macey's little theatre. If you want to attend, you can go in and sign up or I believe that you can call the service desk and have them add you to the list. The class is all about making fun foods with your food storage (like fudge and tootsie rolls) and also about different ways to add items like nuts, candy, raisins to your inventory by vacuum sealing them in jars. I'm also teaching how to bottle butter. Post if you have any questions. I have a food storage site on the left hand side with the links if you'd like more info.
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 7:56 AM 2 comments
you know you've been living in Utah too long when...
Monday, August 4, 2008
I think Random Child is having an identity crisis because he thinks that he's white. I keep telling him that he's brown and polynesian, but he's not convinced. Nice.
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 8:53 AM 1 comments
Back off my stuff Random Child!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
My beloved Random child has struck again. He has a knack for being able destroy things with a single touch. Oh if it weren't for his puppy dog eyes and constant hugs, I'm sure I would have sold him in a yard sale by now. He has, somehow managed to render Manly Man's car completely useless. While playing in the car on Thursday, he burned out the motor that pushes the driver's seat back and forth so the seat got stuck in a permanent position only inches from the windshield. Manly Man, thankfully, was only a few blocks away and drove with his legs pushed sideways and his face nearly pressed against the windshield. Manly Man worked into the wee hours of the night to un-bolt the seat and was quite unhappy about the whole situation; especially since Random has been reminded many times to stay away from the gizmos and gadgets in the Green Goblin (the pet name for our Accord).
Then, this morning as we were on our way to a baptism, I noticed that the passenger's seat of our other car was pushed almost all the way up, with Random's legs stretched out on the other side. Oh child, when will you learn? Random Child was quite relieved when I figured out how to put it back into position and was able to escape my wrath.
The upside of the story is that Manly Man had to take the day off to fix the Goblin and then got spend the rest of the day making BBQ and splashing at the water park with the rest of the fam like he wanted to. It's funny how things work out. It's almost as if Random Child knows exactly what he's doing in an annoying, round-about way. (PS. Please vote for our falling down house!)
Posted by How do you solve a problem like Malia? at 9:35 AM 3 comments