
sooooo sad... wah for me... pity party.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I saw this on another person's blog and thought it was funny:

Oh, this was a good post! Lots of comments! People like me!

Oops, what happened? Nobody commented today. What did I do wrong?

Oh, goody! Some more comments on this one!

Look. Some new people commenting! I wonder who they are? I'll go check out their blog, too!

Oh, no. Where did everybody go? Nobody likes me. This stinks.


Amy said...

I think we all need to comment more :-) We like it when others leave comments for us, but it's all to easy not to comment on other peoples posts.
I'm very guilty of this.

Lara said...

SO, what are you saying? You want me to comment on all your posts . . . I can do that. Are you sure? Be careful what you wish for. . . you might not be able to undo it . . .


How do you solve a problem like Malia? said...


You can leave all the comments you want, just remember, I know where Grandview is....

Ben and Lori said...

I'll come to your pity party if you'll come to mine. I've had a couple just like yours :)