
monkey see, monkey do

Monday, September 8, 2008

I was completely crushed last night at the park when I realized that the little Squeaky girl I'm raising may not turn out to be a "girly girl" after all. After our family potluck, we sat on the grass to let our bloated-fasting-potluck tummies rest and I let Squeaky run wild like the monkey that she is. She was intently watching this doggie run around, play and do other little doggie things, like, doing his doggie business on the tree. Not a minute goes by and I notice that Squeaky is now by that same tree, with her diaper hanging off one leg and ready to mark her territory as well. Did I mention yet that I've already tried "human" potty training without success? And do you think that this may have anything to do with the afore mentioned baby leash? Anyone know of a good therapist?


Lara said...

I think that it is a good idea to put some money in a jar every time I get mad at my kids. Hopefully by the time they are in their twenties we will have enough to pay for all the therapy to undo that damage I'm doing to them.

The Lyon Family said...

What a silly girl, so funny!

FamiLee said...

ROLOL! That is so hilarious! I have been there! Thanks for the laugh!

k2 said...

I'm aghast. Squeeky is a quick learn gal and a free spirit. At least you know she gets it. Maybe you have to decorate the potty chamber like a princess tree. It all works out.

k2 said...

Whoops, forgot to tell you thanks for posting squeekys picture. Seems hard to match the actions with that adorable girly girl flower in the hair princess. Are you sure that was Squeeky at the tree and not her brothers?

k2 said...

On Random Child. Give him a camera of his own already. He may be the next Michael P. of photography and writing. He's awesome.