
Expounding on The Plan of Salvation...Courtesy of Dimpled Child

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The SeeIfIKnewya's took a little trip up to Grandpa's grave on Sunday. We were there along with Grandma SeeIfIKnewya, Daniel and Lever. Grandma was talking about some funny random things and after that proceeded to get down to the good stuff. She was talking about how even though Grandpa's grave was here, his spirit was not, and that eventually the spirit and body would rejoin in the Resurrection. Whilst Grandma is explaining, Dimpled child is pleading to put his two cents in and at the time I'm thinking, "We're at the grave, we're having a lovely spiritual discussion and my child is about to say something utterly brilliant". However, out of the mouth of a babe comes this, "Grandma, Grandma, there was something willy (really) gwoss(gross) in the sandbox. It was a tomato. Ewwwwwwww!".


Lara said...

just so you know, your RSS feed is on my google home page. (no, I'm not one of those stalkers you mentioned in your last post. i mean, i hope i'm not). i look forward to reading your new posts because they make my day!

How do you solve a problem like Malia? said...

For LaLa:
I'm glad you like to read about my kid's craziness. I'm hoping that when they're in their satanic-like teen years that I'll be able to look at what I've written about them and have a good day now and then. Also I'm down with the RSS feed because I've added yours below in my "Say Anything Old School Peeps" link. By the way, don't you love how I think I can use slang even though I'm clearly old school?

k2 said...

Your dimpled one makes me laugh.