
Things to ponder........

Thursday, May 15, 2008

1. Why is it that if I put my foot up on the table, it's skanky? But if Squeaky Child puts her foot up on the table, it's finger (or toe) lickin' good?

2. What if a person is overly plump, lays around all day eating, sleeping and soiling their pants-If that person is an adult they are called a lazy pig, but if you are a baby it is out- of- this- world-fabulous?

3. Lastly, if you are slowly losing your marbles and you are poor they call you "crazy", but if you have money they call you "eccentric"?

And that's all I have to say about that.


The Lyon Family said...

Little girl is getting so big. She's so cute. I wish it were cute when I put my feet on the table too.

Gray, Kamaile, Wehilani &amp Orrin Ronk said...

Okay, try this one. If adults were to run around in a onesie with all their chubb hanging out we would be called disgusting, but when babies do it, you just want to grab that chubb and eat it?

Gray, Kamaile, Wehilani &amp Orrin Ronk said...

Oh forgot to say, Carly's got some nice pigtails :)!!!!!!

k2 said...

Little people can get away with a lot when you're so toot. Except when she's in the garbage.

And thank goodness we grow out of the onesie stage. that would be like letting your hair grow under your arms.

the pigtails have that modern art picasso look--it's a hair do alright but...what is it?