
The randomness of children

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The scene: Library
The cast: Mom, Responsible Child, Random Child, Dimpled Child, Squeaky Child and the unfortunate library helper

Mom: Okay, if we want to play on the computers we need to sign up over here.
Library helper: Please spell your names for me and I'll put you on the list.
Random Child: My name's Random, Random, Random.
Responsible Child: My name is spelled R-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-l-e.
Random Child: Hey, my brother knows how to write in cursive.
Library helper: Allright, how do you spell Random Child?
Random Child: Oooh, ooh, can I have my headsets yet?
Responsible Child: His name is spelled R-a-n-d-o-m.
Dimpled Child: I'm a boy.
Random Child: Can I have the headsets, pleeeeeese!?
Library helper: Now how do to spell your name (to Dimpled Child)?
Dimpled Child's: It's spelled D-i-m-p-l-e-d.
Mom: Hey, how did you know that?

The End (well for that hour of the day at least)


k2 said...

What an adventure. hey how did Koa know how to spell his name? Very funny senario. Just another happy day.

hey they look like they could have their own radio show.

The Lyon Family said...

hahaha Your kids are hilarious Malia!